There is always choice

Relax and detox massage
Relieving concentrated pain in one place with every touch.

Access Bars
Having peace with all situations and a clear mind.

Access Body Process
What would it be like to hear what your body is telling you?

Access Facelift
All judgements are visible on our faces. What would it be like without them?
What can I do for you?
Once you acknowledge the gift of you, you can change everything in your life. I can show you that there is a different space with being you. It is your choice to invite this into your life. I was functioning from darkness in the past and after a few people kicked my ass, I realized that this was not the path for me. I chose to start functioning from lightness and many things started to change. You can also change everything that is not working for you into that what does work for you. Everything is possible if you allow it to be in your life with total ease.
Client Testimonials
Martin, thank you so much for you. I've known you for almost a year and I can't stop dreaming about what a beautiful creature you are. A space of peace, kindness, a space without judgment, you simply are. Thank you for all the wonderful texts that brought me a lot of awareness and courage to make some choices. You are a great inspiration to me. I am very grateful to my body that I was led to you without hesitation to the ESSE session. Beautiful healing and warm touches, relaxed and calm. I am very grateful to my body that I was led to you without hesitation to the ESSE session. Beautiful healing and warm touches, relaxed and calm.
Thank you, I'm looking forward to the next meeting.
What else is possible? What kind of space are you now that changes this world.
Zuzana Fedaková
Martin is a beautiful space, a conscious, non-evaluative being with Bars, facelift, or SOP .. Wonderfully caring and full of acceptance.
Adéla Jedličková
Martin's Facelift will take you to a state of deep relaxation. Once you let go of your mind and let Martin energetically into your body, your body starts to receive and heal all issues, locked energies, trauma or any heaviness in your body. A magical process from magical Martin.
Nikol Pecka
Martin is a great gift to you and your body if you are willing to receive it. He is an incredible space that will take you even to different galaxies and universes. Martin is willing to choose more and jump no matter what and just go and if you do not want to stop anymore in your life he is an amazing space for you to choose it as well! Highly recommended!
Markéta Podaná